Now that you have learned about different parts of speech, you can plug Latin words into the skit below to make a funny scene.
When a blank has (N), choose a Latin noun for the space; when it has (V), choose a Latin verb; when it has (ADJ) choose a Latin adjective; when it has (ADV) choose a Latin adverb.
Choose words from the word bank below. (NB: nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs have been mixed up, so you have to figure out which is which!)
For the purposes of this exercise, we’ve chosen to put only one form of the nouns or adjectives in the word bank and this form should be used in your blank.
mater | semper | laeta | amare | edere | numquam | domus | irata |
aperte | videre | lupus | valida | subito | rex | celeriter | gladius |
dicere | miser | tandem | pastor | fortunata | timere | scutum | nunc |
vinum | invenire | bella | benigne | piscis | nova | vincere | pugnare |
fatigata | ferociter | aqua | capere | facile | diu | fugere | miles |
lente | frater | iterum | Jupiter | caseus | suaviter | spectare | breviter |