(E2) Unit 2 Vocabulary

Verba NecessāriaVerba Ūtilia
Nounscanis, canis, m./f. dog
nāvis, nāvis, f. ship
ēmptor, ēmptōris, m./f. customer, buyer
līberī children
lupus, lupī, m. wolf
pecūnia, pecūniae, f. money
spōnsus, spōnsī, m. betrothed man
vīcīnus, vīcīnī, m.
Verbsdifficile est it is difficult
licet it is allowed
necesse est it is necessary
placet it is pleasing

audiō, audīre to listen, to hear
comedō, comedere to eat
dēbeō, dēbēre to ought (to)
faciō, facere to do, to make
possum, posse to be able (to)
sedeō, sedēre to sit
timeō, timēre to fear, be afraid of
veniō, venīre to come
facile est it is easy

exspectō, exspectāre to wait, hope for
lātrō, lātrāre to bark
nūbō, nūbere to marry (to), to be married (to)
salūtō, salūtāre to greet, to salute
taceō, tacēre to be quiet
vexō, vexāre to annoy
(vexat) (he/she/it annoys)
vomō, vomere to vomit
(vomunt) (they vomit)
Adjectivesoptimus/a/um the best
sollicitus/a/um worried
noster, nostra our
nōbilis, nōbile, nōbilior important, noble, prominent
Other wordsfortasse perhaps
nōlī! Don’t ____! (to one person)
nōlīte! Don’t ____! (to more than one)
omnēs everyone
quoque also
Ēheu! oh no!
hīc here
Mehercule! By Hercules!
Mīrābile! Wonderful!
mox soon
nōbīscum with us
quōmodo? How?