The Greeks and Romans believed in polytheism, or many gods. When they encountered a god from another culture, they might identify it as one of their own, then absorb the stories and characteristics of that new god with the old. Over time, the Roman and Greek gods were thought to be the same and ruled over the same areas of nature. However, in the chart below, the domain of each god and goddess has been mixed up! Use the family tree for hints or research on your own to find out who’s who.
| Roman God | Greek God | Domain |
1 | Jupiter | Zeus | A. the hunt, moon, and wilderness |
2 | Juno | Hera | B. war |
3 | Neptune | Poseidon | C. king of the gods, lightning |
4 | Pluto | Hades | D. love and beauty |
5 | Mercury | Hermes | E. wisdom, arts, and war strategy |
6 | Vulcan | Hephaestus | F. blacksmith of the gods and technology |
7 | Venus | Aphrodite | G. travel, mischief, and messenger of the gods |
8 | Apollo | Apollo | H. spring and queen of the underworld |
9 | Minerva | Athena | I. queen of the gods, marriage, and childbirth |
10 | Diana | Artemis | J. sun, medicine, creative arts, and music |
11 | Mars | Ares | K. the underworld |
12 | Bacchus | Dionysus | L. grain and the harvest |
13 | Vesta | Hestia | M. the hearth and sacred fire |
14 | Ceres | Demeter | N. wine, fertility, and theater |
15 | Proserpina | Persephone | O. the sea |