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Course overview
Course Introduction
Typing in Greek
Typing in Greek Quiz
Modern Greek Pronunciation (I)
Modern Greek Pronunciation (II)
Unit 1
Unit 1: Grammar Lessons
1A: Names
Quiz 1A: Names
1Β: είμαι and Group A Verbs
Quiz 1B: είμαι and Group A Verbs
1Γ: Introducing Yourself
Quiz 1Γ: Introducing Yourself
1Δ: How are you doing?
Quiz 1Δ: How are you doing?
Unit 1: Στα Ηλύσια Πεδία
Unit 1: Στα Ηλύσια Πεδία Simplified
Unit 1: Comprehension Quiz
Grammar Practice
Vocabulary Practice
Unit 2
Unit 2: Grammar Lessons
2Α: Nouns: M2, F2, N1
Quiz 2A: Nouns: M2, F2, N1
2Β: Verbs: B1
Quiz 2B: Verbs: B1
2Γ: Negation
Quiz 2Γ: Negation
Unit 2: Ο Ερμής στην Ελλάδα
Chapter 2: Comprehension Quiz
Grammar Practice
Vocabulary Practice
Unit 3
Unit 3: Grammar Lessons
3A: Nouns: F1
Quiz 3A: Nouns: F1
3B: Adjectives: B1, B2, and Β3
Quiz 3Β: Adjectives: B1, B2, and B3
3Γ: The Definite Article
Quiz 3Γ: The Definite Article
3Δ: The Indefinite Article
Quiz 3Δ: The Indefinite Article
Unit 3: Ο Ερμής στην Ερμού
Chapter 3: Comprehension Quiz
Grammar Practice
Vocabulary Practice
Unit 4
Unit 4: Grammar Lessons
4A: Verbs: B2
Quiz 4A: Verbs: B2
4B: Temporal Adverbs
Quiz 4B: Temporal Adverbs
4Γ: Nouns: M1
Quiz 4Γ: Nouns: M1
Unit 4: Ερμής και Αλέξανδρος
Chapter 4: Comprehension Quiz
Grammar Practice
Vocabulary Practice
Unit 5
Unit 5: Grammar Lessons
5A: Adjectives Γ4, Γ5
Quiz 5A: Adjectives Γ4, Γ5
5Β: Verbs: AB
Quiz 5B: Verbs: AB
5Γ: Personal Pronouns
Quiz 5Γ: Personal Pronouns
5Δ: Possessive Pronouns
Quiz 5Δ: Possessive Pronouns
Unit 5: Στην Πλάκα
Chapter 5: Comprehension Quiz
Grammar Practice
Vocabulary Practice
Unit 6
Unit 6: Grammar Lessons
6Α: Adjectives: Γ1, Γ2, and Γ3
6B: Demonstrative Pronouns
Quiz 6B: Demonstrative Pronouns
6Γ: Interrogative Pronouns
Quiz 6Γ: Interrogative Pronouns
6Δ: Asking and Answering Questions
Quiz 6Δ: Asking and Answering Questions
Unit 6: Έξω από το Ηρώδειο
Chapter 6: Comprehension Quiz
Grammar Practice
Vocabulary Practice
Unit 7
Unit 7: Grammar Lessons
7Α: The Augment
Quiz 7A: The Augment
7B: Imperfect: A/AB
Quiz 7B: Imperfect: A/AB
7Γ: Imperfect: B1/B2
Quiz 7Γ: Imperfect: B1/B2
7Δ: Other Usages of the Imperfect
7Δ Quiz: Other Usages of the Imperfect
Unit 7: Μία βραδιά στον Άρειο Πάγο
Unit 7: Comprehension Quiz
Grammar Practice
Vocabulary Practice
Unit 8
Unit 8: Grammar Lessons
8A: Declarative Clauses
Quiz 8A: Declarative Clauses
8B: Nouns: N2
Quiz 8B: Nouns: N2
8Γ: Numerals: 1-4
Quiz 8Γ: Numerals: 1-4
8Δ: Numerals: 1-20
Quiz 8Δ: Numerals: 1-20
8Ε: Numerals: 21-1000
Quiz 8E: Numerals: 21-1000
Unit 8: Ένα πρωινό στο Σύνταγμα
Unit 8: Comprehension Quiz
Grammar Practice
Vocabulary Practice
Unit 9
Unit 9: Grammar Lessons
9Α: Aorist I
Quiz 9A: Aorist I
9Β: Aorist II
Quiz 9B: Aorist II
9Γ: Aorist III
Quiz 9Γ: Aorist III
9Δ: Aorist IV
Quiz 9Δ: Aorist IV
9E: Indirect Questions
Quiz 9E: Indirect Questions
1 of 4
Modern Greek for Classicists
20 lessons