14B: Future II

So now let’s move on from our previous lesson. 

We have two types of Future. 

α. The continuous one: θα διαβάζω

β. The simple one: θα διαβάσω

Let’s first visit Future Continuous (FC). 

As we mentioned in our previous lesson, FC looks a lot like the Present. In fact, FC is a Present with the θα in the beginning. 

But what happens with Future Simple.

Future Simple has the Aorist stem as its stem. 

e.g. διαβάζω (Present) → διάβασ-α (Aorist) → θα διαβασ-ω (Future Simple)

Similarly, γράφω → έγραψα → θα γράψω

πλέκω → έπλεξα → θα πλέξω κλπ.

It goes without saying that the Future has no augment. 

So how are these two Futures conjugated?

Let’s check their conjugation. 

Group A
θα λύνωθα λύσω
θα λύνειςθα λύσεις
θα λύνειθα λύσει
θα λύνουμεθα λύσουμε
θα λύνετεθα λύσετε
θα λύνουνθα λύσουν(ε)

So basically it has the same endings as the Present. 

This was Group A. 

Now let’s go see the other Groups as well. 

Group B1.

As we said, Future Continuous is formed by the θα + Present endings.

So, if the Present is αγαπώ, αγαπάς, αγαπά etc., Future Continuous will be θα αγαπώ, θα αγαπάς, θα αγαπά etc. 

Now let us see Future Simple 

Let’s form it first. 

αγαπώ → αγάπησ-α → θα αγαπήσ-ω

Look how much is resembles th AG Future (Now the second column appears)

Group B1
θα αγαπήσωἀγαπήσω
θα αγαπήσειςἀγαπήσεις
θα αγαπήσειἀγαπήσει
θα αγαπήσουμεἀγαπήσομεν
θα αγαπήσετεἀγαπήσετε
θα αγαπήσουν(ε)ἀγαπήσουσι(ν)

Group B2

Same pattern. 

Is the Present is θεωρώ, θεωρείς, θεωρεί etc., then the Future Continuous will be θα θεωρώ, θα θεωρείς, θα θεωρεί etc. 

Future Simple on the other hand is formed like this: 

θεωρώ → θεώρησ-α → θα θεωρήσ-ω

Check how much it resembles the AG conjugation. 

Group B2
θα θεωρήσωθεωρήσω
θα θεωρήσειςθεωρήσεις
θα θεωρήσειθεωρήσει
θα θεωρήσουμεθεωρήσομεν
θα θεωρήσετεθεωρήσετε
θα θεωρήσουν(ε)θεωρήσουσι(ν)

What else do we detect?

Group A and Group B have the same endings. 

Group AG is a bit more particular in its formation. We will see it in our next Lesson. 

One more thing!

As we presented in the beginning of the lesson, Future Simple uses the Arosti stem in all cases. So, see the following examples. 

πείθω 🡪 έπεισα 🡪 θα πείσω

διδάσκω 🡪 δίδαξα 🡪 θα διδάξω

λείπω 🡪 έλειψα 🡪 θα λείψω

απομακρύνω 🡪 απομάκρυνα 🡪 θα απομακρύνω

So, basically, it works like in AG. 

If you need revision, check lesson 9B again. 

Wait a minute! 

Before we go, let’s just see something last. 

What on earth is this θα that Future uses? 

Where does it come from? 

It comes from AG and particularly from the phrase ἐθέλω ἵνα. This phrase progressivle lost its vowels and ended it up to the particle θα. If you remember correctly, the conjunction ἵνα in AG is followed by the Subjunctive. Therefore, in fact, the Futures in MG come from the Subjunctive. 

The truth is that now that you learned the Future, you have already learnt the Subjunctive as well. 

Well, this is good news!