7Δ: Other Usages of the Imperfect

You may remember from the second lesson of this chapter that the imperfect is used to describe an action that occurred in the past, and which either is having its duration shown or which is being shown to have happened repeatedly. However, there are other usages of the imperfect, as well!

Sometimes, you might see θα coming before a verb conjugated in the imperfect. This produces the potential indicative, which you could translate into English as “would” or “could.” When paired together, θα and the imperfect show that something could possibly happen, or probably will happen. It can also show politeness in certain circumstances. Look at the examples below:

  • Θα μπορούσα να τη βοηθήσω εγώ. (“I could help her.”)
  • Θα ερχόταν αλλά δεν τα κατάφερε. (“He would come but he didn’t make it.”)
  • Θα ήθελες έναν καφέ; (“Would you like some coffee?”)